Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Engagements, Marriage and Such...

So excited we don't have to hold it in any longer! It's been quite a task keeping such a happy secret.... Alicia, Trent's sister, is engaged!!! We are incredibly happy for her and Taylor (her fiance). This is such a fun time for them indeed! Now begins planning the wedding, what most every girl dreams about since she was little. I'm just thrilled to bits for Alicia, she is going to have such a blast planning her wedding and I know it will turn out lovely!
It's truly a giddy time - engagements.  And it feels like you are floating on a cloud. I remember waking up the next morning after Trent and mines engagement and looking down at my ring, it was very REAL. And for the next several months I would find myself staring at my left hand and sometimes playing with my ring. If I was having a bad day, Id just stare at it and couldn't help but smile. After almost a year of marriage, I still do the same thing. Now understand, it has nothing to do with the physicality of the shiny ring, its what it MEANS, what it represents: a commitment and a covenant....which become much deeper once you say. "I do". It's binding. "...and the two shall become one flesh" (Matt. 19:6). Life is not about MY needs any longer, it's about Trent's needs. Its about serving the Lord together. Now, I am no expert of marriage and surely don't understand it fully, but it's fascinating and I enjoy learning more about it. Lots of our friends from Florida College have gotten or will get married over this Summer. It's encouraging to see so many godly marriages and exciting to know that there are many couples out there of the Faith.
To wrap this up, here's part of a verse from Hebrews 13:4, "Marriage should be honored by all...".
Lots of happiness in the Faris family and Jones family :)

1 comment:

  1. so happy for those two! I'm excited to read about your journey as well! Thanks for sharing. Miss y'all!
