Monday, September 23, 2013

Learning to Appreciate: Don't Bite The Parenting Hand

As I was making my way to the main front isle of Target this morning to check-out I overheard an argument between a young girl (probably early college or late high school age) and her mother having it out in the middle of the store. The daughter was clearly annoyed and unhappy, with the apparent rolling of the eyes and disgust towards her mother. I stopped and started appearing as if I was looking at an item on one of the shelves and I listened. Call me a "Nosy Nancy", but with their volume and mannerisms, they sure weren't acting like they wanted to keep it between the two of them; and I have also seen this seen before, personally - kinda like standing on the outside looking into the past. So I listened. The daughter was in every way disrespectful, degrading, selfish, and hateful towards her mother with her words and tone. {Her mother was BUYING her daughter some clothes- there were already a couple of pairs of shoes in the basket and some make-up - but the daughter was complaining. She didn't like what her mother liked, it wasn't good enough} At first, I was shocked to see that the mother just stood there like nothing was going on and she just took it. But then modern-day reality struck and I thought, oh, this is how a lot of parents are these days....sadly.

I was really angry with the daughter. I wanted to say something and stand up for the mother. But if you know me and my personality, I'd never actually do that. I couldn't believe the daughter could treat her own mother that way. How could she! But then I stopped dead in my thoughts. I was once that daughter. I was once that ungrateful and hateful daughter.  I have treated my own mother that way when I was in high school. I am guilty of the same exact thing. I just wanted to walk up to the mother and hug her, and tell her it would be okay. I wanted to tell her that hopefully someday-someday her daughter will get it. That someday her daughter will say, thank you mama. That someday her daughter will hug her instead of yell at her and snub her off. That right now her daughter doesn't want much to do with her unless she wants something, but someday she will call her just to talk. Or she will call just to say THANK YOU.

In high school sometimes my Mom embarrassed me and my Dad "cramped my style". I thought they were too involved in my life and  I didn't understand why they cared so much (I reckon its safe to say everyone has felt that way about their parents at one time or another). Now, I can't get enough hugs. I can't get enough advice. I wish I had taken advantage of their wisdom instead of pushed it away. Hold onto the "lectures" that your Dad gives you, because there will come a time when you can't sit at his feet and listen to his wisdom very often.
              Why do we bite the hand that feeds us? We do that not only to our parents, but we do it to our Almighty Father as well. We are ungrateful children in many ways.

Soak up the NOW. Listen to your parents advice NOW. Hug them NOW. Spend time with them NOW. Just randomly tell them THANK YOU. Honor them. Appreciate them. Be GRATEFUL for them. 
...........I wish I could have told that daughter these things.

We need to encourage children to do this - to WANT to be with their parents sometimes. As children and high schoolers we are encouraged to want to be with our friends our own age and we complain about being with our parents - "its boring". They need to know the value of truly spending time with their parents, I think that helps with them understanding appreciation. They need to learn the wonderful VALUE of that time.

I feel like this post as been kinda all over the place and I am sorry. I took for granted all the opportunity I had with my Mama and now she is my best friend and I am learning to understand it all, to appreciate, to value, to honor her. Go home and love your Mother. Go and hug your Dad. Every opportunity say THANK YOU. If you are fortunate enough, they will become some of your very best, dearest friends one day. :)

"Children, obey your parents in the Lord for this is right. Honor your father and mother, which is the first commandment with promise: "That it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth" ."

            Ephesians 6:1 - 3.

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