Monday, August 12, 2013


These last couple of days I have been reading a wonderful book you might have heard of or even read yourself, Kisses from Katie. My eyes have been blood-shot and weepy. I'm soaking it all in of this girls selfless heart of a servant. If you haven't read this book or even heard about Katie's story, you can read more about it here, . She is so giving and humble. Go read her book.
As I have read this book, I had a recent different perspective on my life and how easy and spoiled it is. I went to the store to buy groceries today and I walked into a huge building that had A/C and worked so well that most of my time in there I froze. I also was able to use a buggy for my groceries, so I wouldn't have to carry everything around, every item is neatly situated and organized on the shelves. Something as simple as  beans come in a can or a simple bag in a freezer section... I just pick them up and sit them in my buggy. I check out and hand the lady a debit card to pay for my groceries. I hand her a card. So many of us have these cards because we have been blessed with a generous amount of money that we save in a bank. Are you following me here? I come home a little later and work on paying some bills. That adult thing that's always hovering over you. I was BLESSED to pay the water bill, the power bill, and a medical bill (yes, 4 months after I broke my leg they're still coming, but that's okay). I walk to the bathroom to wash my hands and the clean warm water and soap cleanses them. Anytime I want I can go flip on a switch or turn the nozzle on and blessings turn on or flow out. It so simple isn't it?
I hope I can do a better job of being thankful for the everyday things. Its unreal how much we take for granted so often. This isn't a deep blog post, but I hope it will get you thinking. Just thank the One who blesses you over and over and we don't deserve any of it. Now, I'm feeling quite muggy from this Alabama heat, so I have the capability to go turn on our cool air, and I will be thankful because He continues to bless me though I fail Him often.

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