Monday, August 26, 2013

The Joy In Choosing The Hard (Mother-Giving)

I was in Barnes and Noble (love this store! I could spend all day there) reading this morning and I saw a woman and 2 small school-aged children sitting at a table with many books open as they were deep in study. I saw that and new immediately what it was. My heart smiled. I know this scene very well, and anytime I run-across this beautiful picture joy fills my heart and I just watch for a moment. The mother looks tired and looks as if she is running on empty, and its only Monday. She helps the smallest child with a question and I continue to watch. I see the love in the mothers eyes as she gives loving attention to the little one. She does this because she is THERE. There is contentment at that table and memories rush back. I am most certain those sweet little children don't understand yet the gift their mother is giving them. She is giving herself to them. She chose the hard. But when the little one smiles with understanding as she gets the concept they are studying, the hard is so rewarding. I inwardly thank the mother for her selflessness for choosing to be there and to GIVE. I have seen first hand the hard of it, and as I grow older and look back, everyday I am thankful more and more.

I have learned a new understanding of my own mothers sacrifice now that it has been a few years since I flew the coop. She chose from the beginning to STAY. To teach. To be THERE. I advocate this kind of mother-giving to the core. I pray often that the Lord will allow me to give of myself like this one day - this special kind of mother-giving. It is precious. It is a gift.

I stand to leave my table, and one of the little ones smile at me, I see the joy in that adorable face. On a Monday, on a school day, she sits across from her mother. What happiness :)

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