Tuesday, November 18, 2014

A Smiley Little Eskimo and Believing in Good Intentions

Today has pretty-much been the coldest it's been this season. The freezing wind is crippling. Your toes and fingers cringe and your skin literally hurts - yes, that kind of coldness. Alas, I needed to run some errands and I had put them off enough already. In front of our fireplace I dressed our smiley 5 month old in a good 3 layers, locked her in her car seat, added 2 thick blankets and a hat so that we could be on our way.  She was snug like a bug in a rug and she rather liked her warm cocoon.

At the store after grabbing the few things I needed we headed to the checkout. Everyone was at the store today, so busy. It was my turn in line and as the lady rang up my things our eyes met and I smiled.... She did not. She looked over into the stroller where my tiny perky Eskimo sat  and then told me my total. While sliding my card to pay the lady said to my baby "I'm sorry your mother brought you out in this weather". I kinda froze....I gave her a nod and a smile as she handed me my receipt without another word. Before heading out the door I covered the stroller in an extra blanket to keep Ivey from the wind still thinking about what that stranger- lady said.

Many thoughts went through my head and I kept thinking about what she said "I'm sorry your mother brought you out in this weather"..... I went from shock to anger to disbelief to hurt. Maybe she was having a bad day? Maybe she hates the cold weather? As humans, especially us women, we often linger our thoughts on why someone said what they said, why someone didn't do such an such or why someone did that thing or this thing. We often times immediately assume the worst in others intentions. We offer no grace in our judgement. I am guilty of doing this on many occasions. Maybe the lady was being rude and intended to make a jab at me? I want to believe her intentions were good.   Her choice of words were lacking but I don't always say the things I'm thinking in the right way either. Regardless, I'd like to encourage those who might want to interject or have some advice, knowledge, or wisdom they want to share with a young mother... Consider how you give it. Consider how you say it. I am always open and I welcome any wisdom seasoned mothers want to give or share with me, The Lord sure knows I can use it. But remember you were once also inexperienced and clumsily new at motherhood and offer grace.

Lastly, I would like to add that in the south people tend to think life stops when it gets so cold. I do believe people up north carry on with there daily lives, in negative degree weather might I add, with their children in-tow. It's doable and common. If your bundled up for the weather, why does life stop down here for "cold" weather? Interesting.

Let's all try to believe that others intentions are good. Let's be loving and gentle in how
We judge others motives, give the benefit of the doubt. Because on days when we are lacking and things fumble all wrong, we hope others do the same for us.  ðŸ˜Š

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