Thursday, November 13, 2014

A healthier you - a Happy Mama ❤️ (Making time for your health)

Let's be honest. Mamas are running on empty most of the time and somehow we manage to just get through the day. Barely. Heavy eyes and aches you didn't know you could have. How many Mamas are so easily snappy and cranky with no rest and sleep? If the baby cries one more time you just might burst into tears yourself. A lot is asked of us physically.
I felt groggy, foggy, and irritable most of the time and Ivey was 3 months old. I still felt puffy and flabby from the pregnancy and I wasn't doing anything about. At the end of September Trent and I joined our local YMCA and we also began the Paleo diet. Diving in head first - all at once. We determined to stick with it (which is a lot easier when you have a supportive and dedicated partner, thanks Hun). It wasn't long before I started realizing I was getting some energy back! I had a little bit more get-up and go and I felt happier. I'd missed this feeling, almost forgot what it felt like.
4 or 5 days a week we as a family go to the Y (they have a PlayCenter where we can leave Ivey for an hour or so). I love doing this TOGETHER with Trent, it's strengthened us more than just physically but also our relationship, it's something else we share together and work towards, just living healthier.
Exercising releases endorphins and we Mamas really need those endorphins! When days I just feel BLEH and think "I just don't wanna sweat and work", if I go I always feel better and am happier for it. I have energy to get things done during the day, a happier more energetic Mama to offer my daughter, and just an over-all better attitude. And Fridays are my favorite workout - Yoga! A nice relaxing time (and a hilarious little Asian instructor) after a long week.
I encourage you Mama's to find a way to be active (yes, we are all ACTIVE with our little one(s) but you know what I mean). To give your all to your family, friends, and to The Lord, you need to take care of yourself. It gives you a boost to getter-done! Take a Pilates class, a yoga class, go on a walk or run. Do Zumba or BodyPump. Sweat it out. No, it won't solve all your problems, you'll still be exhausted - that comes with the Mama card. Make better food choice, exercise, be a healthier you, be a healthier Mama. A Happy Mama ❤️

What do you do to be active?

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