Saturday, July 26, 2014

New Mom Discoveries

Ivey has been home for 12 days now. In those 12 days here are some Ivey facts and randomness I've discovered.....

* Baby laundry don't play. In other words: BABIES HAVE LOTS AND LOTS OF LAUNDRY. We go through multiple outfits a day, usually. But hey, it's cute tiny laundry ;)

* Being able to eat my lunch sometimes doesn't happen at lunch.... It could be at 2 or 3 in the afternoon. But Ives and I are working on the fact that if Mommy doesn't eat, then Ivey can't eat. So snacking is easier to juggle ;)

* You learn to do anything and everything with one hand. Maybe I am qualified to join the circus now?

* I was told, "Never wake a sleeping baby". I can now officially laugh at that now. If you have a baby who could sleep all day (yes, that would be Ives) and your breast feeding her, let's not talk about how much pain and discomfort you feel after about 3 hours if she doesn't nurse.... So yes, I will wake her.

* Most preemies often times have a bigger problem of spitting up after they've eaten, and especially when you have a child with a GI problem. This can also constitute to the pile of laundry she accumulates. More often than not I end up wearing her recycled food, and that's ok :)

* Yes, there really is such a thing as Grunting Baby Syndrome. It mostly involves preemies and could last for up to 10 weeks after birth. She wakes us up a lot with her mindless grunting - which sounds like a chain smoker, haha! Don't take it personally if she grunts at you a lot, it's her way of expressing that she doesn't understand what's going on with her digestive system.

* Your Mom and Mother-in-law (Mema and Nonna in Iveys case) expect daily pictures of their precious. It's funny and I really don't mind. Iveys so blessed and so loved.

* If you already had a close relationship with your Mom, that increases ten-fold when you have a baby of your own. Love you, Mom :)

* You start thinking more about what you usually do... Such as, what you watch on TV, what you listen to on the radio, how you spend your time, how you talk to your spouse or to anyone. Constantly thinking about how that effects your child and how you want to improve it all. She's really a wonderful reminder :)

* Also, you no longer have a use for an alarm clock. Ever.

* it's WAY harder than I'd ever imagined it would be to just...let her cry. Earlier this week I sat in the floor next to her cradle in a puddle of tears willing myself to not pick her up. She screamed and wailed. She doesn't like sleeping in her cradle.  She loves to cuddle but we are trying to teach her that at bed time she sleeps in her cradle. With much perseverance and patience and tears, she has slept in her cradle for 4 consecutive nights! It's not without a period of about 15 to 20 minutes that she doesn't 'cry it out' though. It's a process and we are proud of her for the progress she has made :)

* Now, if we could only get her detached from her passie... But that's a whole 'nother issue, haha!

1 comment:

  1. So glad you get to experience her being home! Please know that I think of you all daily and hope and pray that she's doing well!
