Saturday, February 15, 2014

The problem with my generation: "Hippie Love".....

Courage - The quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty, danger, pain, etc. without fear; bravery.

Goodness - Moral excellence; virtue; generosity.

My generation lacks the true knowledge of these two words.

Let me first say that when I say "my generation" I am speaking from a worldly stand point. My generation, as a nation, as a whole. I am thankful and blessed to know and be so close to those of my generation who are my brothers and sisters in Christ who are goodness and live a life for Him.

My generation cowards behind what I like to refer to as.... The "Hippie Love". This kind of love is spreading and sadly becoming a norm. Let me try and define this kind of love.... where do I begin? This love is the "peace and blessings" love. That ALL is wonderful and their is no wrong. We should accept everything and everyone because no matter what anyone is doing, it's all for love. We do not point out the wrong because that is not love. This love encourages you to fall into the crowed and just follow. Whatever you choose in life is for your happiness and we should all just love you for it. "Hippie Love" holds no responsibility or accountability, because at the end of the day we should all just love each other. This love is all about not "offending" anyone. This love does not show humility. The problem is, my generation is listening to this kind of love and they are accepting it. If by now you aren't picking up on what exactly this kind of love is, then you should just stop reading.

"Hippie Love" is not true love. It is not AGAPE love. It is not a selfless love, it is every bit of a selfISH love. This lie-of-a-love holds no pure goodness. It has no worth. It encourages you to "just roll with anything, man". It does not encourage any true conviction of any kind. It is a cowards love. This kind of love paints everything gray. This love will be the downfall of us.

This country was not founded by men who didn't listen to this kind of love. These men had back-bones. They wanted to learn more of goodness and virtue and they stood for it. They fought for goodness. They had humility. They had courage. They respected our Heavenly Father and feared Him. These people did not just do these courageous things, but they taught these courageous things. These men offended people daily - (and please note what I mean by "offending" people, we can't step on people toes and say what they believe in is wrong because heaven forbid we offend them, this is the kind of "Hippie Love" that is suffocating.) Our society has twisted what "offended" means.  If men had listened to this kind of putrid lie, we would never have had men like Abraham Lincoln or Ronald Reagan. We wouldn't have had a C.S. Lewis. These men are human and are great with their own short-comings. But most importantly we wouldn't have had people like Paul, Barnabas, Timothy, David, and Daniel, just to name a few....

These men revered the Holy One. These men had a rock they built their life on. Their purpose was much greater than themselves and they spoke words of life. This "Hippie Love" stuff is built on sand, it has no truth. It has no hope and we will all crumble if we just "go along with it". Instead of just saying we disagree we must stand for the GOOD. We often say what we are against but how about we stand for what is and what is everlasting? How about we live our lives with virtue and don't coward down. We need to blot-out the evil with truth. Because the "Hippie Love" is wrong - there is truth, there is a right and wrong. If you stand with Christ you will offend people. Christ offended people. "It is not the popular thing to stand for whats right", this is something my parents would tell me when I was little and it's every bit true.

" The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing". - Edmund Burke

P.S. If you read this and were offended, well.........

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