Monday, January 20, 2014

Live Beautifully

Recently, for Christmas, my Mom gave me a journal. Not just any regular ole journal, but it was a special journal to log my pregnancy journey and the happenings of the first few months after the baby is born. I'm really excited about it and Ive already covered the first several pages.

On the front of the journal it says, Live Beautifully. The other day I started thinking about what that meant. What does it mean to Live Beautifully? Many people would have different ideas of what it means. Some would say to travel the world and live free, because of course, that's beautiful. Some would say just have fun and enjoy yourself. Others would say just do what you love and make yourself happy - whatever that takes.

I have seen a lot of people live, what I would call, beautiful lives....
 My parents. I would say they have lived extraordinary beautiful lives. Not because it has been perfect. Not because they have traveled all over the world (okay, maybe the country). But because they chose to serve. They have lived a life of service. They have lived a life of happiness, even when at times happiness isn't so easy. They have lived a life for our Father and they have shared that with others. That is a beautiful life.

The elderly couple I see at Barnes and Noble all the time. I have no idea what they might have encountered in their life, tragedy or struggle. But they sit together and they read together. I see them laugh and hold hands. They are content. And this is Beautiful.

The family with 4 children who run around in circles, with messes and screaming and running and playing. Life is hectic and sometimes crazy. But they teach their children. They teach them about their Creator and they teach them to pray. They teach them to love. And this is Beautiful.

These are just a few of so many I see Live Beautifully daily. But I think of the man who Lived Beautifully more than anyone, ever. His life was hard, and He had nothing. His family was not wealthy and He had no real home. He was not some educated scholar. He was a humble man who lived to serve (Matt. 20:28) and to teach. He lived His life simply. He was mocked and bullied and hated by many. Some wouldn't call that a beautiful life. But it truly was the most Beautiful. If someone doesn't know how to Live Beautifully, we have a wonderful Perfect example.

"But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you."
                                                                                                                 - Matthew 6:33
"He has shown you, O man what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God?"
                                                                                                                 - Micah 6:8

Let us Live Beautifully :)

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