Thursday, June 5, 2014

Update On Baby Ivey

Our little munchkin is growing and as active as ever.  She keeps me busy with eating, sleeping, and doctors visits.  We had 3 doctors visits this week. Monday Ivey had another stress test, Wednesday we met with her pediatric surgeon, and today went to see her perinatal specialist for her weekly ultrasound.

Wednesday we found out that she will definitely be moved by ambulance to Children's in Atlanta as soon as she is born. Of course, I didnt really want to hear that my little girl will be moved to a completely different hospital, but I am thankful that Trent will be able to go with her and I know that at Children's she will get the best care that she needs. Her pediatric surgeon has told us to prepare for her to stay in the Children's NICU anywhere from one to two months.... We have expected this for a few months now.

Today during her perinatal ultrasound they weren't able to get good measurements because she was in  a little ball face down - one of her favorite positions. My little Rolly Polley :) they were very pleased with her breathing.... She was doing well with her "practice breathing" and her heart rate was 165. This is good. However, today they did notice some changes. Her small and large intestines are inflamed.  They were also able to see the hole were the Gastroschisis is and it was fairly big. They also saw that her stomach was also trying to come out as well. These are all not uncommon for babies with this birth defect, and they are confident in her situation especially since her "practice breathing", heart rate, and activity have been very good.

But because Ivey's intestines are now inflamed and her stomach is trying to come out as well, they will induce at 37 weeks (if I have not gone into labor on my own before then). Please pray that we can make it to 37 weeks - naturally it would be best for Ivey to stay in as long as possible to get as much development and nourishment as she can. Please pray that she continues to grow in strength, she's definitely a tough little cookie. It helps ease our minds knowing that she is perfectly happy and in no discomfort.

We know that all of this is in our Lords hands and He will protect our baby girl in the ways He sees fit. There are so many things that are uncertain and that change from week to week with this situation. Thankful for our God who never changes or moves in our times of trials. He is constant.

We are thankful for your continued prayers.

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