Friday, May 30, 2014

Happenings in Georgia

It's been a couple weeks since I've written an update, so it's about time. We are all moved into our new home in Norcross and we LOVE it! Getting used to the traffic and the fact you can't get anywhere in a short amount of time.... We are in no small town anymore.  We are excited that there is so much to do here! And big-belllied-mama loves having access to a pool daily ;)

We are also beginning our routine weekly doctors visits to keep up with Ivey. Once a week we go to my OB and also to her specialist. At the OB they give Ivey a stress test (which she passed this week with flying colors) and at her specialist they monitor her through ultrasound and keep an eye on her bowels and growth.  This week it showed that her small bowel is out and also 1.6cm of her large bowel is out. This is good that it's only her bowels that are out which also means the plan is still a natural delivery.

Today during her ultrasound she looked like she was trying to talk to us. She had her lips all puckered up and was opening and closing her mouth.... And then she stuck her tongue out at us!  That little goober is so precious.  We also found out today that there is a good possibility of inducing at 37 weeks.  We learned that they prefer to deliver the babies a little smaller because this makes it easier for them to deal with the Gastroschisis outside of the womb. We meet with Ives pediatric surgeon specialist next Wednesday to discuss her procedure and what to expect. He will also advise us, based on her current condition,  whether he would like her to come at 37 weeks or wait a couple weeks later. It's hard to imagine the time is almost here to meet our bundle of Joy!

We are so thankful for your continued prayers and concerns. We know that our Father is in control and our trust is in Him no matter what.
I ask that you keep my friend Megan, her husband Seth, and their sweet son Joses in your prayers. If you haven't read their story yet you can read it here. They have been such a huge encouragement to so many.  We continue to pray for Gods comfort and peace upon them both.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Update on Ivey Joy.... " When is Your Baby Due? "

This is a question I get asked A LOT. Especially now that I am in my 3rd trimester and the weeks are getting closer and closer to Ivey's arrival. When we found out we were expecting, my doctor gave me the estimated due date of July 12th. After finding out about Ivey's condition we were then told that date is pretty much irrelevant when it comes to when she is "due".

Because of Ivey's Gastroschisis, the 3rd trimester is crucial for her. This is the time babies really start to absorb nutrients and gain fat. Sometimes, babies with this birth defect do not grow in the 3rd trimester like they are supposed to and/or their bowels become inflamed. They monitor her more during this time and next week when I hit 32 weeks they will start doing weekly ultrasounds to keep a good eye on her. If for some reason she is not making the progress that she should be, they will "pull her", whether or not that means they induce me and I go for a natural delivery or they do a c-section really all depends on Ivey. If she is handling things well, they encourage natural delivery. Because of the Gastroschisis, they will not allow me to exceed 39 weeks, at most - and that is if Ivey continues to do well. As of now, she is doing GREAT and thankfully has an appetite like her Daddy and she is gaining weight well for her condition.

So really, Ivey could come at any time! So when Gods ready for Ives to enter the world, that's her "due date".

Prayers for our family as we move to Atlanta next week and prepare our hearts and home for Ivey to come. We go see her new specialist in ATL on the 23rd, praying that she will still be doing well at that point.

You can keep up with Ivey through this blog; I will be posting periodically and probably will be using this for updates through out her stay at the NICU. We are so thankful for all the prayers, cards, texts, and words of encouragement. Our heavenly Father is faithful.
