Friday, April 25, 2014

40 #PregnancyProblems

Humorous observations through-out my pregnancy:

1)  you can never have too many pillows.  (Boppy, I love you)
2)  2am snacks are common.
3)  or 4am breakfast.... And then second breakfast at 7am.
4)  leg cramps are a real thing and are not my favorite.
5)  thankful to have a husband who can sleep through a hurricane because a lot of nights I'm up and down and up and tossing and turning.
6)  getting up 3 times through out the night to pee is normal.
7)  you never realize how much you loved sleeping on your tummy until you can't anymore.
8)  sometimes breathing can be difficult.
9)  you actually debate on whether or not it's worth it to sit on the couch because getting up is an adventure.
10)  thankful it's finally sandal weather because my feet can breathe when they swell.
11)  baked chicken is nasty.
12) chick-fil-a chicken nuggets are more than acceptable. And so is their sweet tea.
13) chick-fil-a lemonade, oh my goodness.
14)  I can't turn down a smoothie, Icee, slushy, or ice cream. If it's cold, I'm on it.
15)  at some point you go through the stage where people give you the 'not sure if she is pregnant or just ate a lot' look.
16)  I'm happy to be out of that stage.
17)  strangers touching your belly really happens.
18)  random people will hold you up in the grocery store asking you when you are due, if it's a boy or girl, what their name is, where you live and your social security number... Ok, the last 2 aren't true but you get the point.
19)  yes, there are real people who can't believe you would choose to breast feed. As if God didn't know what He was doing or anything....
20)  naps. naps are my life.
21)  I can sleep anywhere at anytime.
22)  bonus: you don't miss your monthlies. Hallelujah.
23)  getting down to sit on the floor is just not an option.
24)  I now have the attention span of a 2 year old.  It really is hard to focus most times.
25)  watermelon, I love thee.
26)  doctors offices are like your second home... At least it is in my case, 2 visits each month.
27)  ultrasounds are awesome. I love seeing Ivey so much.
28)  sometimes you wonder if there is a monster inside of you or a karate kid.
29)  Ivey doesn't play when it comes to kicking my bladder. She thinks it's funny or something.
30)  dropping the keys or a sock on the floor is a tragedy.
31)  there comes a time when you have that one cami that refuses to corporate with the new belly and you walk around like Pooh with your tummy out. The struggle.
32)  where did my belly button go?
33)  yes, people will be surprised when you tell them you plan to stay at home with the baby after it's born. And yes,  - oh my goodness - I actually WANT to.  Take me back to the 50's.
34)  working out is HARD when you swallowed a 3lb watermelon.
35)  you get hot. A lot.
36)  talking to your baby is the best.
37)  you can literally sit for hours and just watch your tummy. It's kinda awesome.
38)  laughing is great. But sometimes not so great.....
39)  sneezing is a no no.
40)  it's all WAY worth it.

Enjoy one of my favorite clips from The Office here.